For any business, big or small, credit cards can be a great way to help with cash flow and day-to-day expenses. And while there are many personal credit cards out there that offer rewards like cash back or points that can be redeemed for travel, when it comes to business credit cards, the focus is usually on things like earning rewards on business-related spending, or earning cash back that can be redeemed for office supplies. Here’s a look at some of the top business credit cards in America:
1. Chase Ink Business Preferred Credit Card
The Chase Ink Business Preferred Credit Card is one of the top business credit cards on today’s market. With this card, you earn three points per dollar on the first $150,000 spent in combined purchases each account anniversary year in select categories such as travel, shipping purchases and internet/cable/phone services. You also earn one point per dollar on all other purchases. Plus, there’s no annual fee for this card.
2. American Express Blue Business Cash Card
The American Express Blue Business Cash Card is a great option for small business owners who are looking for a simple cash back card. With this card, you earn two percent cash back on the first $50,000 spent each account anniversary year – this includes office supplies and gas purchases. For all other purchases, you earn one percent cash back. There’s also a 0% introductory APR for the first 15 months on balance transfers and purchases (14.99%-21.99% variable thereafter).
3. Capital One Spark Cash for Business
The Capital One Spark Cash for Business is another great option to consider if you’re a small business owner. With this card, you earn unlimited two percent cash back on all purchases – there’s no limit and no expiration date as long as your account remains open. This card also comes with employee cards at no additional cost and special discounts at some hotels and rental cars. There’s also no annual fee for the first year, then $95.
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4. Ink Business Unlimited Credit Card
The Ink Business Unlimited Credit Card is another great card to consider if you’re a small business owner. With this card, you earn one point per dollar on all spending and there’s no limit on the number of rewards you can earn. You also get a 0% intro APR for 12 months (15.49%-21.49% variable thereafter) and there’s no annual fee. If you’re looking for a simple, straightforward business credit card that offers cash back rewards, then the Ink Business Unlimited Credit Card might be right for you.Whether you are just starting a new business or have been in operation for many years, finding the right business credit card is important. Some key factors to consider include the type of business you have, your spending habits and what kind of rewards or perks you are looking for. Do your research and compare different cards to find the one that best suits your needs.