Qualified Attorney in Lahore Pakistan:
If you are looking for a qualified attorney in Lahore Pakistan or Advocate in Lahore you may contact Jamila Law Associates. It is typically the case that the social worker who wrote the report is not in court to be cross-examined on his conclusions before sentencing. Appealing The defendant can appeal to the Court Appeal, Criminal Division, against the severity of the sentence by an attorney in Lahore Pakistan or Advocate in Lahore, the decision of the jury, or on the point of law, the jury.
Now, jurors hear my advice – All kinds of vulgar prejudice I pray you set aside: With a stern judicial frame of mind, from bias free of every kind. So it must try this trial! (Trial by Jury, Gilbert, and Sullivan) Ineligible people: Judges, JPs, Advocates, barristers, police officers, the clergy, and legal executives. Prison officers, prison governors, probation officers, and board members of prison, Within the last ten years, anyone who has been sentenced to jail (or detention center, youth custody, community service, or a suspended sentence) is disqualified from jury service through attorney in Lahore Pakistan or Advocate in Lahore. Two years.
Being called for service, usually about six weeks’ notice is given. A person who is ineligible or disqualified should notify the court office. He must do this, for if he sits on the jury, he will be committing an offense (maximum fine of £100 if an ineligible person; £400 if a disqualified person). The summoning officer can excuse a person from jury service if there is a ‘good reason’ for doing so. However, the mere inconvenience will not be sufficient, and the officer will want to be satisfied that it would cause severe inconvenience or significant hardship.
Advocate in Lahore:
Good reasons by an attorney in Lahore Pakistan or Advocate in Lahore would generally include holiday arrangements, exams, an illness in the family, pregnancy, or a one-person business that would otherwise have to close down. If the officer refuses to excuse the juror, the application can be made to the High Court for jury summons to be set aside. If the juror is excused service, it is likely to be only a reprieve. The mere fact that his employer will not release him from work is not a defense; however, it might well punish the employer for contempt of court. Once the promise has been taken, it cannot challenge the juror; any time before, either the defense or the prosecution can challenge the juror.
Attorney in Lahore Pakistan:
The defense by an attorney in Lahore Pakistan or Advocate in Lahore can challenge up to three jurors without reason; after that, it must justify any challenges to the judge. The prosecution can also challenge jurors by asking them to ‘stand by for the Crown,’ which means that the juror goes back to the jury panel and will only have to serve if there are insufficient people to make up a jury. Like the defense, the prosecution is also able to challenge for cause. Although a jury is usually composed of twelve Jurors, it can be made up of fewer.