Looking for tips on how to get yourself into the habit of reading the Bible daily? Here are 5 sure-fire ways to strengthen your love for God and His Word.
1) Decide what time of day works best for you.
Do you like to read in the morning or is it better at the end of the day? We are all different. Some people like to wake up in the morning and immerse themselves in God’s Word before doing something else. But that may not work for you, your schedule, or your family-especially if you are a parent of young children who need you from the moment you wake up.
So it’s up to you to figure it out. If you are married, you may need to discuss this with your partner. But be encouraged-it’s not rocket science. It can be done. And you’re smart enough to do it.
2) Find a place where you can be alone.
Depending on your living arrangements, this can be a challenge. If your house has a room where you can close the door and be alone, you definitely need to do that! But in many families this is literally impossible, at least when everyone is awake.
You may have to leave the house to be alone with God. A nearby coffee shop or public library might be a good place to do this, or simply drive further away and find a place to park.
3) Make an appointment to meet with God at a specific time and place.
We all make appointments, don’t we? The doctor, the dentist, the insurance agent, whoever. Don’t you think it would be wise to make an appointment with God as well? Doesn’t he deserve the same respect you give your financial planner or tax advisor?
I invite you to cultivate an attitude in which you take your daily Bible study seriously because you want to take God seriously. Sure, life will disrupt your plans, the unexpected will inevitably happen, and there will be days when your encounter with God will be cancelled for a variety of reasons.
But if you long for God and His truth, you will have a desire to fulfill that commitment.
4) Do it whether you want to or not.
There will be days when you don’t feel like reading the Bible. That’s normal. It’s normal that our desire to read God’s Word changes from day to day.
But think about it: If you only went to work on the days you felt like it, how often would you go to work? You know how it is – once you get where you are and start acting, you usually get over those feelings.
If you start Chronological Bible Reading Plan God’s Word, even if you don’t feel like it, and take just 5 minutes to do it, I know what will happen – God will reward your persistence, and soon those fickle feelings will disappear.
5) Pray about it.
Ask God to help you cultivate a growing desire for Him and His Word. Ask God to give you the self-discipline to put this plan into practice every day (remember, self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit – see Galatians 5:22-23).
Do you think God wants to answer such a prayer? Of course, He does! May He bless you as you spend much time with Him in God’s Word, and may your love for King Jesus grow as a result.