proofreading vs grammarly

Proofreading VS Grammarly

Do you know what has been the biggest discussion of all time? Machine Vs Human. Human wants to prove that a manmade machine can work better than a man itself, how ironic is that? It might seem like we are favoring something or someone here which is not true, but we can’t be agreed that a robot is better than a human. If a man can make an error then remember who made the machine, it tends to make a lot of errors. 

The Era of Automation

You might be wondering what it all has to do with Grammarly, well, approximately everything because that is also a robot. Right? It’s not been long since this software first came out and you can calculate it from 2009 to this date. However, we have our differences but this thing made many other things smooth and easier. Take an online academic service provider for instance — Grammarly comes in handy when you need to take a quick scan of your assignment. It just flags each mistake and you are good to go! 

You can write clear business copies to promote your online business and products using this software. And with premium Grammarly, you can have better suggestions. But that all lead us to one major thing, was it worth spending money to learn how to do this all without a robotic help? 

Out of context — how do you feel when a robot asks you to prove that you are a human and not human? Well, it probably sounds funny, doesn’t it? This debate has been going on for quite a long time now that people have stopped paying attention to it. But in this article, we are trying to revive it so that we can review each thing about it unbiasedly. 

The Downfalls and Benefits

When you own dissertation proofreading services you have to be very particular about your work. You can’t compromise the quality you are providing to your clients because it’s easier for them to suspect any changes in your work. Since we work closely with the editing team, we get to review almost everything they do, including the complaints. Grammarly is surely a helpful tool for a writer but you still need a professional and experienced editing team. To review the mistakes software like Grammarly makes. 

The Need for Stable Internet Connection 

To use Grammarly, you need a stable internet connection. This is because Grammarly banks upon the internet, and in case you face a sudden interruption of the internet, your workflow gets impacted. You won’t be able to write/edit your document. On the other hand, if you are working on Ms-Word or doc, the downtime of the internet doesn’t impact your writing flow. And this is the first thing that concerned us. Why can’t we let it be the “cool tool” and don’t make its usage necessary?  

Syncing Grammarly with your Browser Might Help

But along with all the drawbacks, this automated tool has some of the most useful benefits. For example, if you sync it with your browser, you don’t have to worry about your most basic grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes — Grammarly is going to notify you automatically so that you correct them before. When do you need this service? Of course, while composing an official email, or writing a review or a description. However, this does not mean, you start depending on it because sometimes, it makes some of the most ridiculous mistakes too. And we are not saying this out of proposition but because we have worked using the tool. Further guide

Its a Puzzle for Beginners

Another thing that we consider a drawback is that it is quite advanced. And if you are using it for the first time, you might not know how to customize your article using it. Whereas having a manual team, makes things serene as compared to an automated process. If you have a team for proofreading, they can make changes according to the client’s or firm’s instructions. Also, they won’t mind the addition of expressions unless your article is supposed to be a formal one. But when you run your blog or article in these automated tools, they specifically point out the expressions and discard them from your writing. 

It Might Ruin the Context of Your Content 

Making yourself sound like a professional writer or editor is not a bad thing but too much use of Grammarly can easily ruin the entire context of your article. Why? Well, because it has a robot behind it who does not know your context. You can’t make it understand either and that leads you to edit the whole copy by yourself all over again. And this time, there are additional mistakes too. 

The Vocabulary War

Moving on, it does not matter from where you are working if you are working remotely, right? You might be using proofreading services UK while sitting in the US. But does Grammarly knows that? Or isn’t it even necessary to let a software know where are you sitting at the very moment? If you have used the tool enough, you might have got the idea why we are mentioning this point here. Often when you are using a certain vocabulary that is not the right one according to Grammarly. The tool simply underlines it with a suggestion to use another vocabulary or spelling because according to a robot you might be wrong. 

Now that doesn’t make sense to us because many of us have graduated from different parts of the world, so it’s common to have a particular accent or vocab. The bottom line is that everything is correct as long as it’s making sense or is in the dictionary. 

Besides, when you know that your reader is smart enough to understand your context or language, why do you need to verify it from a robot? You can take the example of these two words “organization” and “organization” which one do you think is correct? Because according to our synced software, one of them is incorrect. Although both have the same meaning and context, just because there is a war between English and British vocabulary, you gotta face it. You must consult a native British proofreading service uk to get reliable assistance and guidance.


We’d like to end this conversation on a simple note that Grammarly isn’t the only one that has these issues. You are most likely to face the same troubles with other tools like MS Word or Google Docs. Hence, it’s pretty clear that we should not compare the capabilities of a human brain and robots because both of them work in an entirely different way. AI hasn’t been to the level where it can detect the exact context behind man’s approach, it can make assumptions, sure. But not advanced enough to support its argument. 

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