Certain sporting events, whether by road or air, sea or land, can have a significant impact on areas classified by Matura 2000 (biodiversity conservation areas).
You are responsible for the impact of activities on the assessed site. A simplified impact assessment form, available on departmental websites, must accompany the incident statement or permit file.
How to apply for authorization?
Mayor or Governor? Permission is granted by the mayor or governor of the department at the place of departure of the event. The governing body reviews the application and checks whether the association has: an adequate security and emergency system in place (doctor, civil security agency, emergency exits, fire extinguishers); Provide measures to facilitate emergency response (location of first aid points, dedicated lanes, fire stations);
Ensures compliance with traffic and parking rules for the good development of the event;
Demonstrates that all proposed facilities (tents, stands, podiums, fences) comply with legal and regulatory obligations;
Undertakes to restore the damaged public domain;
Get all the insurance coverage you need
Please note that the government can provide technical support (loan for equipment, technical staff, loan for premises) if necessary. However, the intervention of the police or the gendarmerie causes billing. Temporary Installation Plan: Tent, Tent, Construction (CTS)
You must submit to the mayor a file consisting of:
An extract from the security journal, signed by the owner one to two months before the date of the event. Security protocol – a document that ensures the traceability of inspections and inspections to which public receptions and facilities are regularly subjected; certificate of the correct installation of the installation (tribunes, stands) before entering the public market. Issued by an organization designated by the Safety and Accessibility Commission. At least 15 days before the start of 스포츠중계 , the mayor will appoint an authorized safety and accessibility committee to review the suitability of the facilities. After studying the case, the administrative body can issue a conditional permit, that is, taking into account changes (routes, schedules). It may also prohibit public order events. In both cases, you can apply to the administrative court. In urgent cases, a summary extract may be attached to the request. This request, which uses an adjusted procedure, means the judge will make a decision within 48 hours.