In the sports arena, top performance in sports has always been a desired state of play and coaches at all levels. Whether athletes are school children, soccer players or Olympians fighting for gold medals, top achievements in sports have always attracted athletes and coaches. In our modern age of sport, in which the science of sport is at a stratospheric and growing level, what are the factors that, when used properly, lead athletes to high performance in sport? Are there any secrets behind sports expertise? Are these factors easy to manipulate for the benefit of athletes? This article discusses the factors that lead athletes and coaches to top performance in sports.
There have been many articles and books describing principles,
Programs, success factors and the like that lead to top performance in sports. Many writers have been writing about them for a long time, and in many ways principles and factors are universal. Principles of progressive endurance, variation, goal-specific training, recovery, etc. are all undisputed underground causes that allow athletes to achieve top performance in 먹튀검증. This article takes a step further, exploring these universal factors in a different light. In this process, I hope to offer both athletes and coaches how these principles are applied in practice and what are the factors with the highest weight in terms of success and top performance in sport.
There are basically two sets of factors to look at. Technical and human factors. Let us first take a look at the previous set of factors
Technical factors
1. Quality training
Mastery of individual competencies
High level of fitness
4. Understand the overall team game
5. To complete key team positions
Minimize errors in the game
1. Quality training
The hard work of any sports season starts with preseason training, which is very intense. No body likes this season because work and training are often very strenuous and strenuous. But this must be done so that the athletes are optimally prepared for the difficulties of the competition phase. Endurance, strength, speed and volume of skill must be made. Not only the quantity of work, but how much quality is put into the preparation phase is also crucial. If players take corners and train for the face value without their heart and soul, it will manifest itself later in the competition as fatigue, injury or lack of clarity in their performance. Maximum performance in sport may not be possible in such circumstances. The quality of preparation for the season is even more important in youth sports.
Very often, in schools, the playing seasons for many sports start almost immediately
When the school year begins. With our kids on long vacations, our athletes often return to school to compete with very little training time. Team play, fitness training and mental training should be done in 2-3 weeks, which is almost impossible and impractical in a sports world. This type of training is also detrimental to the development of our children. Under these circumstances, coaches and teachers (and parents, if possible) have a very important responsibility to ensure that our athletes are well prepared for the competition. Training programs for sports should be prepared and implemented by the end of the previous year. Our athletes need to understand that their season has effectively started when their studies are over
. Once a training program has started,
Coaches and teachers can also instruct athletes about a vacation training program. Every athlete should have someone through whom he can do something during the school break to improve their playing skills. These may include maintaining a certain fitness standard through endurance activities, such as cycling, running or swimming, catching and throwing in the yard with their siblings, or even individual exercises to improve various skills. The key here is to keep up and improve on what was done last season so that athletes do not go back to school and start from scratch. Simple planning and such training ensure quality training, so that sports teams can later achieve top performance in sports.