Gonzalo Aguirregomezcorta, ESPNDeportes.com: The Pan American Games have shown me the purest of sports, the essence of competitiveness and camaraderie. Humility and the ability to overcome. I have seen tears of joy and tears flavored with defeat, injuries overshadowed by the desire for victory and adrenaline, a lot of adrenaline. I have seen souls vibrate in the stands and sepulchral silences. And the shout of coaches, the sincere words of the athletes whose eyes shone in many cases when they stood in front of the ESPN microphone. I have seen units of journalists from all American countries and territories. An exaggerated bureaucracy and splendid colleagues.,It has been an unforgettable experience.
Carlos Arabia, ESPN Radio: These Pan American Games
have been an unforgettable experience, they have simply been fantastic 26 days, and although the work aspect and professional responsibility have been an exhausting priority, this city of Toronto has amazed us with a wonderful organization, good scenarios sports and in addition to the excellent weather that accompanied us throughout the event. The particular lesson of my first Pan American is that although I have always admired other 해외축구중계사이트, being soccer the one I love, I did not give it the importance it deserves, really the effort of each of the athletes is to be admired and respected. That is why for me from now on the Pan American Games have conquered my heart.
José Del Valle, ESPN Radio: Used to being under a soccer-only umbrella,
Toronto exposed me to a multi-sport event. At the Pan American Games I had the opportunity to go through canoeing, beach volleyball, volleyball, basketball and, of course, the exciting soccer. ivermectina para que serve em caes Each discipline had its challenges, but also its charms. The days were long, but rewarding; The days were intense, but with a lot of learning. The accessibility of the athletes was a pleasant surprise. how much ivermectin pour on for treating goats for lice Guatemalan soccer got me used to collecting failures, but the Guatemalans who competed in Toronto made me enjoy the joys of victory. However, the Pan American Games are more than a medal… the Pan American Games represent the essence and purity of sport.
Kenneth Gray, ESPN Radio:
Speaking of my wish list, I have to admit that the Pan Am Games were not cutting edge. Between the World Cups and the Superbowls, the dreams of the boy who, from the age of eleven, discovered that his passion was the media, had come true. That is why I always saw the Pan American Games as an important competition but not one of the most desired in terms of attending and living the coverage experience. But as God teaches us day by day and shows us different paths, I must admit that having been with Espn at the Toronto 2015 Pan American Games has been spectacular in every way. The close appreciation of sport in its highest purity, A true amateur with stories of effort and perseverance and returning to a great city like Toronto made me feel part of what the rebirth of these games should be, which will most certainly return to the front pages of world sport as of this edition.